progress in my critical essay

For my critical essay, I have to answer a total of four questions all within one essay. The essay needs to be 1000 words which is the part I struggled with the most. I felt like I had so much to write down and not enough room to fill in. Within the essay I had to include references to my magazine and also my social media pages as well as my documentary. 

How did you research inform your products and the way they use or challenge conventions?
How do your products represent social groups or issues? 
How do your products engage with the audience? 
How do the elements of your production work together to create a sense of ‘branding’? 

The questions we were meant to answer are listed above, they include all different aspects of the process we needed to mention in the essay. I gave myself two days to complete this essay - within the two days I wrote 1,400 words which is hugely over the limit. Therefore I used a paraphrasing tool online which was able tom get me down about 300 words, so I am still over the limit I am more able to figure out a way to cut down with still including all of the key aspects. (this is the paraphrasing tool I used, I was recommended it by one of my classmates)


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