emailing possible interviewee's

Hi, I am a A-Level student at Ellesmere College. I take media as a subject and for my final coursework I have to produce a documentary and I've chosen to study the topic of vaping. I live locally to Shrewsbury and have come in to the shop a couple times for piercings and noticed you sell various products that would be interesting to promote and film. It would be beneficial for me and my final grade if I could just take a couple shots of your shop and maybe gets some shots of you guys just in your daily life at work! if you are comfortable I'd love to ask you a couple questions to really get an insight into the world of vaping. Thank you, let me know what you think.

In this blog, and after talking to my teacher she feels it would improve my documentary if I interviewed the local vape shop in my town, I would get some cool stills of the shop and hopefully if they agree to let me film them and the shop it would really benefit my documentary 

UPDATE: ''We don’t know a lot about vaping we just sell it so I’m going to decline sorry''

Unfortunately the owners of the shop declined the offer to film, I will keep looking for local vaping shops as I feel it will really help my documentary. I will take this as a step back and try and reconsider other possible routes to take in order to improve.


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