A-Level mock week at school

Due to the current A-Level mock examination, I haven't been keeping up with my blog work over the past weeks as I have been revising and sitting the exams. 

Over the course of the past couple of weeks however I have been thinking about some ideas that I still have to film, this includes ideas like more footage of my mom and sister and maybe some video footage online of people smoking or vaping. My original plan was to film people without them knowing much like fly on the wall method however after speaking to my teacher about it she was unsure sure to the moral ethics.  

I have found some videos online and wanted to use them, I got them off this free website which everyone can have access to. I haven't started my editing process yet but I have ideas on when to start them by creating a timetable and schedule. 

With my exams ending on the 4th of February, this gives me time to get back to blogging and figuring out a time and plan on how I can execute this perfectly. 


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