planning who to interview

 For my documentary, I am planning on interviewing about five people to get different and varied opinions The people I have in mind so far are, My mom (who is a trained doctor and has specific views on vaping), My sister (who is one of the younger interviewee's and shares interest in vaping and has opinions which may differ from others as she is younger), My friend (who commonly vapes and smoked but for mental health-related reasons, this would be interesting to hear her point of view on vaping and smoking) My dad (who started smoking from a young age and has tried to stop by turning to vaping and didn't like it, this is an interesting point of view to include as he was forced to turn to vape by the marketing behind it for a 'healthier' option) And the last option is my other friend who goes to a boarding school, and socially vapes and used to smoke due to the peer pressure placed onto her. 






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