practising interview for our preliminary task


In today's lesson, we were able to get the chance to set up professional lighting and cameras for some practice interviews. Mr Armstrong kindly guided us through the process as a professional himself but after he told us what to do we got on with asking the questions. Our interview about carp fishing was interesting as I had never taken an interest in the topic so to hear Will (the interviewee) talk about it in such a passionate way made the whole thing quite enjoyable to record and listen to. As appointed director, I got the opportunity to call out markings and decide what's the best angles were and lighting techniques used. I was in charge of telling people what to do including the interviewer and the sound tech. I feel as though the interview went pretty well with only two cuts throughout Will was able to answer our questions with a lot of detail and emotion which really brought character to our footage. By using two cameras we were able to get different angles and shots to really emphasise the emotion we were trying to portray to the audience. 

The next step going forward will be editing the footage and making the interview look as professional as possible. 


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