peer feedback on my preliminary task


Peer on peer assessment and critique is some of the most important aspects of feedback. Personally, peer or peer makes you learn to understand the points of people from similar age groups and how they view your work. In today's lesson, we watched all of the editing attempts of our interviews. Sam, Isaac's and mine were watched first and we received harsh yet accurate and constructive criticism. Some of the feedback given was about our editing skills and production standards which we will take into account for our upcoming task. Our main comment we got was about our transition skills and how we need to make the transition into the cutaways and new camera angles more smooth. Another way we can improve is by changing the music as they felt it was more sinister music which wasn't the type of genre I was trying to portray. To improve for next time I will take more time looking into other examples of music and looking up tutorials on Youtube for a more in-depth lesson on premier pro editing including transitions and cutaway placements.


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