Group discussions about interview questions for my preliminary task

In today's lesson, we were split into groups of six to discuss and plan some interview questions for our preliminary interview filming task. These are some of the pictures we took while researching the topic of 'Carpfishing'. I personally don't know a lot about the subject so by planning and researching the topic I found it interesting to find the ethics behind it and to find out it's a large topic of debate. This will be really good for our interview as it will express a lot of opinion and emotional. 


  1. What would you describe as carp fishing?
  2. What influenced you to start carp fishing?
  3. Do you think carp fishing is ethically correct?
  4. The fish biologist Victoria Braithwaite claims that “Fish do feel pain It’s likely different from humans feels but it is still a kind of pain” How do you respond to this statement?

After discussing the questions, I emailed them to Mr Armstrong who gave me his feedback on what to change about the questions. We have changed them to make the questions more appealing to an audience in order to get the nest answers. 



  1. What is carp fishing and carp fishing differ from other types of fishing?
  2. What influenced you to start carp fishing?
  3. The fish biologist Victoria Braithwaite claims that “Fish do feel pain It’s likely different from humans feels but it is still a kind of pain” How do you respond to this statement do you think it’s ethical?
  4. What do you benefit from carp fishing? How do you measure if you’re good at carp fishing?
  5. Do you see yourself going into a career in carp-fishing?


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