Editing our interview footage

In our lesson last week we were separated into smaller groups to start our editing task. Sam, Isaac and myself started by downloading the footage into Adobe Premiere Pro and we appointed roles for the editing. We had to incorporate a green screen which none of us had ever come across when it comes to editing. By using tools like youtube and other websites we were able to figure out how to edit out the green screen and input our own video. For the green screen, we wanted the background to represent a traditional carp fishing lake and with Will's help (interviewee) we were able to select a couple of choices for the backdrop.  One of the harder parts of the editing process was overlapping the two camera footages and making sure it is all synchronised with each other. Our next step in our editing will be to add some music and maybe some overlapping video and voiceovers to make the interview seem more accurate to a professional documentary. 



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