distorting through lighting

Distorting through lightning

Uplighting, silhouette, and prominent shadows take it a step further and produce a complete distortion of the real world. As the video explains, the shadows made on faces when lighting from below don't usually occur in nature, so it creates "instinctive alarm" to those who view them. Silhouettes add a bit more to this distortion, because they don't give us enough of the information we're looking for, like facial features, attire, etc. This distortion is even more intense when it comes to casting prominent shadows, because it plays upon the human fear of the unknown.

Here is an example of uplighting on a human, creating shadowing and creating a disturbing image.

Here is an example of a silhouette, making the murderer unidentifiable and making the more more intriguing.

This is an example of a prominent shadow, making the boy in this shot appear bigger then he really is creating a false reality for the picture.


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