making the bottles look closer then they actually are using camera angles

This is a shot showing the actual distance between the two bottles

This is another shot showing the distance but from behind

we really liked this shot because you can see the other bottle through the closer one creating this really cool effect, it appears closer then it really is which is the aim for our project

Much like the previous one this is a similar shot, this one appears closer as you cant really see the other bottle which wasn't the shot type we was going for but it could be useful in another project further down the course

In the end this is the shot we were most happy with as you cant see the gap between the the two bottles yet there is still a gap there creating this whole illusion of characters being closer then reality, this technique will be used in our final project.

Here's another example, we tilted the camera a little further upwards as to make the characters appear smaller and similar sizes therefore making it appear more believable.


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