Creating a survey for my friends asking about font types


I have attached the survey i sent to my friend, I purposely put a vast variety of fonts to narrow down completely their opinions and get the most accurate results possible. The results of the survey were quite interesting as almost everyone voted for 'Publico Headline' However, in my opinion, I would of thought that that would be one of the least attractive font to use. When having a discussion with Millie Forster about what type of fonts to use we both agreed our favourite one was 'Avenir Next Condensed' as we view it as more innocent and simple yet it has a lot of power behind it and we feel it would look really good with our poster and it is also easy to replicate. 


Sam Patmore- Publico headline

Amie Gillingham- Publico Headline

Amy Evans- Publico Headline 

Connie Trollope- Avenir Next Condensed

Rachael Hemingway-Deaney- Courier

Harvey Cuckson- Avenir Next Condensed 

To conclude the research obviously 'Publico Headline' was the most popular font chosen and then it was 'Avenir Next Condensed' and then with one vote it was 'Courier'. This survey was interesting to carry out as i feel it showed some personality within the people I chose. 


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