Certificate Ratings for horror


When I was making this presentation I learnt a lot about horror certificate ratings and what the guidelines are for the movies. By having learnt this I will take into account what type of scene I will film for my movie and what specific things I need to remember to make the scene the best it can be. 

Production companies are always looking to make money and for this reason they will aim to maximise there audiences and a lower certificate means they have access to a larger audience, for this reason a lot of horror films will target certificate 15 which still allows for blood and gore but means they have a broader audience. Where films are rated 18 often the companies or looking for the buzz surrounding the film to encourage younger audiences to be interested but as an 18 they are limiting the profit margin.

We have seen what is acceptable in a 15 becoming more violent and horrifying and a result of societies  desenitisation to horror and violence. From my research I have discovered I can still use gore wounds and now know what is acceptable. 


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