why location is important in horror


I made a poster of all the stereotypical locations for a horror movie 
  • Location in horror is very important because its sets the whole atmosphere for the rest of the movie.
  • Location can also make the viewer more tense if the location for the horror movie is a house or a normal communal area this makes the viewer able to relate to the location as most people live in homes and have communal area they go weather that's school, town or a workplace.
  • The lighting used in location shots are normally dark and lowkey lighting. Darker colours suggest that something bad is coming as being afraid of the dark and the unknown is a common phobia. However, when the lighting is high-key and light it makes the viewer more relaxed as things horror related would normally occur in the dark.
  • All of the pictures I chose have a similar colour palette and all have a sense of isolation. Horror movies tend to be set in isolated areas such as abandoned mansions, cabins, forests or the ocean. the fact most horror locations are isolated give the protagonist a sense of no escape and how this is the end as there would be no-one else for miles. 
Millie and I took some horror location shots of our own

This one point perspective shot focuses on the narrow pathway which has a sudden dead end. The lowkey lighting makes the atmosphere seem more eerie and isolated.

This is a one point perspective shot aswell as there is no focus in the picture. The long corridor creates a frightening atmosphere. There are doors on the left side of the picture which creates a mystery with the readers as they wonder what are in the doors and how long the corridor goes on for. The long corridor could be a metaphor for the protagonists rate of survival.


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