different camera shots and angles


We explore the different camera angles with the help of our friends.

The platform we used was iMovie and Youtube.

Mid shot- They allow the viewer to pick up on the character's movements and gestures. Body language is important to capture emotion. The mid shot is one of the most used shots in cinematography.

Double shot- two shot is a shot in which the frames a view of the subjects. The subjects do not have to be next to each other. There are many which have one subject in the foreground and the other subject in the background. The shot is used to show the emotional reactions between the subjects.

Long shot-This shot often sets the scene and our character's place in it. It makes the audience know exactly whats happening in the scene.

High angled shot-Subject is photographed from above eye level. This can have the effect of making the subject seem vulnerable, weak, or frightened.

Low angled shot- Low angle camera shots are a perfect camera angle for signaling superiority or to elicit feelings of fear and dread.

Trombone shot- trombone shot, or a dolly zoom is a great technique to add some drama to a scene where a character experiences something shocking, intriguing, upsetting.

Close up-close-up shot is a type of camera shot size in film and television that adds emotion to a scene


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